
Subjects with primary Sjogren's Syndrome showed biochemical deficiency of pyridoxine B6

This study was published in 2002.
Biochemical deficiency of pyridoxine does not affect interleukin-2 production of lymphocytes from patients with Sjögren's syndrome was conducted at Department of Physiology of Nutrition, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutricion, México by Tovar ARGómez EBourges HOrtíz VKraus ATorres N.

They did the study as there was evidence that pyridoxine deficiency - B6 - may alter the immune response and it was not known whether a deficiency of this vitamin was evident in subjects with primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS).

The researchers did two studies: 
(i) biochemical and nutritional assessments were performed in a cross-over study in subjects with primary SS, who were supplemented with 25 mg/day of pyridoxine or placebo for 3 months. After 1 month washout, they were supplemented for 3 months with placebo, 
(ii) patients with SS and matched controls received pyridoxine or placebo for 45 days, and a blood sample was obtained to study IL-2 production and expression in T-lymphocytes stimulated with PHA.

There conclusions were that Subjects with primary SS showed biochemical deficiency of pyridoxine, possibly due to limited intake of this vitamin which was corrected by supplementation with pyridoxine.

If you have Sjogren's Syndrome have you been told to take Vitamin B6 supplementation?

Food sources of B6 include:

  • fortified breakfast cereals
  • pork
  • turkey
  • beef
  • bananas
  • chickpeas
  • potatoes
  • pistachios

Other facts about B Vitamins:
  • A deficiency of vitamin B6 alone is relatively uncommon and often occurs in association with other vitamins of the B complex. 
  • Evidence exists for decreased levels of vitamin B6 in women with type 1 diabetes and in patients with systemic inflammation, liver disease and rheumatoid arthritis. 
  • The classic clinical symptoms for vitamin B6 deficiency is a seborrhoeic dermatitis-like eruption (dry red scaly skin), atrophic glossitis (soreness and inflammation of the tongue) with ulceration (ulcers)angular cheilitis (inflammation at corner of mouth)conjunctivitis (pink eye)intertrigo (inflammatory rash), and neurologic symptoms of somnolence (strong desire for sleep), confusion, and peripheral neuropathy according to Andrews' Diseases of the Skin (10th ed.). Elsevier.
  • Cooking, storage, and processing losses of vitamin B6 vary and in some foods may be more than 50% according to Present Knowledge in Nutrition2 (9th ed.) from International Life Sciences Institute.
I personally started with a vitamin supplement as I had many of the classic vitamin deficiency symptoms including a constant sore tongue and cracks at the corners of my mouth. 
I recommend Amazon Elements B Complex, High Potency, because it is made from 83% Whole Food Cultured, Vegan and a once-daily B complex supplement. Also it doesn't have an odour or an after taste like some B vitamins. It contains eight B vitamins: thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folate, B12, biotin, and pantothenic acid. 

You do need to know that I am an amazon affiliate but only recommend productd that I use myself and am happy with. If you do happen to purchase anything from them through my link I receive a very small percentage at no cost to you. 

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